Context English Lithuanian
AddableMods__Tooltip Check these mods to add them to your save file.
AdditionError__CollisionWith Collision with {0}
AdditionError__DesignationOverlap Overlapping with terrain designation
AdditionError__HasDeposit Cannot be placed on top of existing deposit ({0})
AdditionError__NoDeposit There is no deposit of {0}
AdditionError__NotASurface Requires a hard surface (e.g. concrete)
AdditionError__NotFertile Some ground is not fertile
AdditionError__NotStable Some ground is not stable
AdditionError__OceanBlockedBy Ocean access blocked by '{0}' or terrain.
AdditionError__OceanBlockedByTerrain Ocean access blocked by terrain at {0} location, you might need to repeat the recovery action.
AdditionError__TerrainTooHigh Terrain too high
AdditionError__TerrainTooLow Terrain too low
AdditionError__TooCloseToOtherTree Too close to another tree
AdditionWarning__HighLift Warning: A port is above transport support height. Connection may not be possible.
AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__Msaa Multisample anti-aliasing (MSAA) {0}
AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__MsaaShort MSAA {0}
AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__Name Anti-aliasing
AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__Smaa Subpixel morphological anti-aliasing (SMAA)
AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__SmaaShort SMAA
ApplyChanges Apply changes